Social Studies & History

Social studies and history is designed to give our students a thorough understanding of Western Civilization. This approach is used because it gives the students a common cultural framework. Furthermore, Western civilization is the culture God fully revealed Himself to and understanding that culture gives a deeper understanding of God and the history of His Church.

Built into History are social study skills. These skills include traditional academic content such as map reading, state capitols, and reading charts. It also includes skills and contents which are important to our American culture, such as patriotism, life-skills (e.g. balancing a checkbook), and understanding of West Virginia history.


Kindergarten: The Ancient Year
The students are exposed to the most ancient of peoples who began Western Civilization. These include Sumer, Egypt, and Pre-Canaanite Societies (e.g. cavemen). Bible stories are used as a primary source and learning occurs mostly through projects and crafts.
First Grade: The Greek Year
The students in First grade learn about the Greek Civilization. Rather than focusing on historical events (e.g. The Battle of Thermopylae), the students focus on the cultural aspects of the Greeks. These aspects include mythology stories, architecture, music, and the Greek way of life. Greek myths and fables are used as a primary source and learning occurs mostly though projects and crafts.
Second Grade: The Roman Year
In Second Grade, the students begin to learn about the Classical Roman Empire. Like the Greek year, historical events (e.g. The Destruction of Carthage) are not the focus, but rather the culture of the Romans. The students will explore Roman stories (e.g. Aeneid), cultural accomplishments (e.g. aqueducts, roads), and the conquest of England. Roman stories and picture books are used as a primary source and learning occurs mostly through projects and crafts.
Third Grade: The Middle Ages
Third Grade students learn about the life and times of the Middle Ages. This period of history covers the decline of Rome (circa 450 AD) to the Renaissance (circa 1500’s). The students will begin learning some of the major historical events, but like in previous years, the focus will be on the culture and life of the Middle Ages, such as life in the village, how castles work, and Church practices. Of particular focus is Roman England, as it leads best into the perspectives of the next year. Students use text as a primary way to learn, supplemented with projects.
Fourth Grade: Modern European History
Continuing their study, the students move into European history in Fourth Grade. The focus of Modern European History (1500’s to 1920’s) is the study of England, the Empire, and the modern economic, religious, and social battles of Europe that led to and ended with World War I. The students will begin focusing on major historical events through text learning along with a strong inclusion of project work.
Fifth Grade: The American Experiment
In fifth grade, the students learn about American history. The study of history begins with the first colonies. A particular perspective examined is the different experiences of the different groups in the United States (e.g. Baltimore Colony versus Plymouth Plantation). The study of American history ends with World War I and how our country entered the Global Community. The students learn primarily through text and supplemented through projects.


Secondary follows a progression of three years which is repeated, similar to a liturgical cycle. What students experience depends on the year they enter into Secondary, but all content is eventually covered. The curriculum is differentiated by grade level, so that even though students are of mixed grade-level, the work is appropriate for their abilities.
Secondary, Year A: The Ancient Year
In this year, the students return to the study of the Ancient peoples of Sumer, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Unlike the earlier experiences, the curriculum begins to focus on putting historical facts and progression in order. Rather than a focus on the life, times, and culture of the peoples, a more historical perspective is given. Projects are still a large part of the curriculum, but the students learn primarily through text. Of a particular focus in text-based learning is how to take notes and developing college ready skills.
Secondary, Year B: The Year of Christendom
Moving past the Ancient Year, the students revisit the Middle Ages. This year of study expands past the cultural study of Third Grade into historical events and happenings. Of particular interest is the development of the Church and many of her teachings. As with other years in Secondary, the students primarily learn from text to support note-taking skills and college readiness.
Secondary, Year C: Civics and West Virginia History

Year C for Secondary is divided into two semesters. The first semester is about learning Civic Literacy. The students learn about American Government, how the system works, and how to use the system to create positive social change. A large part of this study includes hands-on experiences of talking to community leaders and politicians.

The second semester of the year focuses on West Virginia History. In this semester, the students learn about their own state and how it uniquely developed as a part of the American Experience. While text is a primary learning source, this curriculum is supplemented by field-trips to actual historical sites.

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