- 304-269-5547
- St.pats@stpatswv.org
- 224 Center Ave Weston, WV 26452
Welcome to St. Patrick Catholic School!
St. Patrick Parish and School have been living our faith since 1914. We educate children in the truest and fullest sense by giving them the necessary tools of learning and by fostering wonder and love for all that is genuinely true, good, and beautiful. We emphasize learning because we want our students to read well, speak well, and think well and ultimately because truth and beauty are good in themselves and desirable for their own sake.
We seek to incorporate our students into the wisdom of two thousand years of Catholic thought, history, culture, and arts so that they might understand themselves and their world in the light of truth and acquire the character to live happy and integrated lives in the service of God and others.
Education in this deep and comprehensive sense extends beyond the classroom and is more than just the acquisition of skills. It encompasses the whole of one’s life. For this reason, St. Patrick’s School seeks to involve families more deeply in the life of the school and the education of their children.
Dr. Ian E. Scheu,